About Us

About Us


The road so far… It is time for us to reveal some of them…

We – Francisco and Francesc – , now proud founders of BIAMICS, met in high school in 1994. Back then, we were just two teenagers more into sports and friends than setting up a company. However, you could already see how both of us had a profound hunger for knowledge and a clear inclination towards Science.

Not surprisingly, we both ended up studying Biology at the University. Still mates, but not yet partners, Francisco continued his successful career in academia (PhD in Microbiology) and early started in the field of Bioinformatics. Alternatively, Francesc went to explore Industry and Education. Our paths parted…


Bioinformatics Analysis for Omics

… until January 2020. We unavoidably crossed our lives again and decided to join our efforts merging our rich and diverse experience. The result of this synergetic partnership is BIAMICS, a company that seeks to bring answers to this chaotic world.
From BIAMICS, we offer Bioinformatics analysis solutions and also aim to take part in projects to contribute to the development of applied science products. Last but not least, we believe that education is fundamental to development and growth. That’s why we are also commited to teaching, communicating and sharing our knowledge.

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We want to make Bioinformatics and its potential applications accessible to everyone.


We want to apply scientific resources to real life. We will reach our goal by learning, enjoying and sharing.


HADA is the acronym in Spanish for humbleness (Humildad), attention (Atención), discipline (Disciplina) and love (Amor).