

The NGS has enabled advances never before seen in different fields of biological research. The volume, the quality and the ease of obtaining of data allow researchers to undertake research that was neither methodologically nor economically feasible with previous techniques. This increase in the volume of data has brought a paradigm shift in molecular biology, introducing as an essential component a requirement for computer analysis.
This paradigm shift implies the need for researchers to add an “in silico” profile to their ‘”wet lab” profile. This change in many cases is not easy. Learning in statistics, systems biology, data mining, programming… is required, and even in many cases, immersion in a new operating system since most software for bioinformatics analysis is developed for Linux.


The quasi-exponential growth of data means a bottleneck in scientific production due to the analysis and interpretation of data and an increase in the need for bioinformatics that unfortunately not all laboratories can hold among their members the specific position of a bioinformatician. Therefore, an experienced bioinformatician can effectively solve the requirements of any laboratory, for those laboratories that do not have a continuous workflow for a bioinformatician or whose research centre does not have a bioinformatics service, an external bioinformatics team to support their research is essential in current research.

We offer a comprehensive service for researchers of various fields of science, industry and health who require bioinformatic support, at any step of the process from the conception of the experiment to the publication of the results.

We want to be part of your team!


The process of subjecting a DNA, RNA or peptide sequence to any of a wide range of analytical methods to understand its features, function, structure, or evolution.

  • de novo analysis and Resequencing
  • Genome/Transcriptome assembly
  • Genome/Transcriptome annotation
  • Computational evolutionary biology: Phylogenomics & Epidemiology
  • Comparative genomics
  • Comparative Transcriptomics / Gene expression
  • Population studies


  • Genetics of disease
  • Genotyping
  • Analysis of mutations in cancer
  • Analysis of methylation (Methyl Seq)
  • Virus Analysis
  • Mobile genetic elements analysis

Expression analysis

  • Analysis of gene expression (RNASeq)
  • Analysis of regulation: miRNAs
  • Metatranscriptomics


  • Genotyping
  • 16-18SrRNA Metagenomics
  • Virus Analysis
  • Population Evolution

Analysis and prediction of the three-dimensional structure of your biological macromolecules: proteins, RNA, DNA and more.

Systems biology is the computational and mathematical analysis and modeling of complex biological systems. It is a biology-based interdisciplinary field of study that focuses on complex interactions within biological systems, using a holistic approach to biological research.